Thursday, August 11, 2011

Harry Potter And The Kindness Of Strangers

Today in Austin the three sisters went to lunch with three friends of the Oje.  We ate at a place called Mother's though this was a vegetarian restaurant and not the fare of our childhoods.  Good thing.  Mom was a terrible cook.

I met three southern belles though I can hear them laughing at my description.  For me, these women who were previously strangers offered such kind suggestions when we talked about being unemployed, the dark hole of resume hell, reinventing ourselves as women and finding innovative ways to stay positive and believe in oneself.  They are extraordinary women who I wish I could import to Sonoma County.  I have known people in my community for years and yet these three women offered encouragement and inspiration in a genuine way that was remarkable.  Like a wrapped gift glinting in the sunlight as it winked at me, they poured out some good old fashioned kindness to someone they had never met.  That just doesn't happen in California.  It doesn't.

We bid each other adieu after lunch or more like, see ya'll later, and went off to Georgetown for a cuppa Joe and the used book store.  I love that square in Georgetown with the brick courthouse and surrounding  downtown.  Imagine Healdsburg before it became so stuck on itself . 

We then stole away to see the last Harry Potter movie, scooting away from the hundred something temperature.  I remembered as the movie started that some of my heroes are Justice Ruth Ginsberg, Laura Croft, Barbara Boxer and Harry Potter.  Last summer, before I left my former profession, I wavered about my decision.  I was out of my mind actually.  Ten pounds lighter and so anxious I could not sleep at night, I imagined that Harry Potter would not have such difficulty choosing.  I imagined that Harry would know what was the right thing to do and I didn't.  Now I realize that I just needed more time and I did know what was the right thing to do.  I did and I did it.  No wand either. 

So, Harry and I are in good company.  It would be lovely though to have a bittersweet, happy ending like Harry.  For now, today, I am fortunate to be on the receiving line for the kindness of strangers who think nothing of offering the Ravenclaw diadem with their sweet words of encouragement. Thank you gals.  You rule.

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