Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jiggity Jig

Sunday morning in Sonoma County, before the sun has risen off of its own bed near the horizon, feels like home.  Ah, I am now home after a flight that I slept through and had to be wrestled awake by the nice woman next to me, and a quick coffee and a bus to a bus to my sweetie waiting for me last night.  I feel like someone who just had a hike through the time tunnel.  If you are old enough to remember that TV program, you will know what I mean.

This morning, looking out our front window to our garden is to view a full color palate.  That is just it.  The palate of nature's colors here spreads out before my hungry eyes.  Yesterday morning, I woke early and went out to look for the paper, meeting the eyes of the thirsty deer girls and the heat of Texas.  Today, I went out to check on the roses and it was cool, golden and brought my feelings up to the surface.  They are sitting right here in my chest fighting one another for space on this page.  Can I give them flesh?

I may need a few days to sort out the week.  I feel somewhat disappointed in myself  or just sorrowful that Austin was not a definite.  Yes, I cannot find a job here.  Yes, I still seek a produce job that is entry level because vegetables and fruit are part of my life's blood. You should see the garden!  Yes, I miss my family.  Yes, I met the most amazing three women at lunch and no one here has ever opened the door to me with such enthusiasm.  Yes, I wonder where our people are here.  Yes, I am so glad to see my girl and bend over and hug each of our dogs.  Yes, I still don't know what the hell I am doing.  Yes, this is home and I know it.  Thank you Sonoma County.  You are inexplicable in a way that reflects the full spectrum of your colors and your soul.  Thank you for being here to greet me this morning.

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