Monday, August 15, 2011

The board lights up behind me

Monday comes whether we are ready or not.  All over the county, those of you fortunate enough to have jobs you appreciate and not bow your heads as if plunging forward into the week. For me, I am returning to my body and running, feeling and thinking.  Today, I ran around Spring Lake and now off to do some office volunteering. 

It was as if the board lit up behind me as my plane to Austin took off last week.  There were lots of jobs twinkling on Craigslist and beyond this morning and I applied for a few.  My blood pressure eases up a bit imagining a produce job.  I see myself there in my dark green apron.  It could happen.  It could.  The board lights pulsed and offered something bright and promising this morning.  However, as anyone who is out of work knows, it can be a ruse, a diversion for employers who are already going to hire someone else, a white lie that is not so white. 

I shall move forward today with a renewed sense of my search for a produce job, doing what I can to be of service to the world in the mean time as a volunteer, tending the home, organic garden, exercising and spreading the love I have to others.  Even though the board lights up behind me, taunting we job seekers with the promise of a living wage, I live, I breathe, I care.

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