Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are you being of service or are you taking up space?

For some, the act of giving and teaching by example in doing so, almost seems reflexive.  They cannot help it.  For some of us, we learn that compassionately and genuinely serving our fellow humans is the the meaningful link we were always missing.  We are reformed self-centered humans and trying to be "of service" to others in ways heretofore unknown to us.  However, being a doormat is not part of serving others.  Strength of character is an integral component of service.

And so I have returned from the memorial of Ms. P. who is one of those folks who could not stop helping others.  She instructed us, shared with us, revered some of us and made us all feel special in some way.  To each of us, she saw our best qualities and reflected them whether we were deserving or not.  She was remembered today as someone who touched the lives of many in a deeply profound yet stalwart manner.  Ms. P. advocated for each one of us in some personal way and those were the stories told today.  She loved, she listened, she shared and she stood by each one of us.  She could not help it. 

Today was perfect weather in Guerneville and I imagine her reveling in the place we held in her driveway speaking about how she mattered to us, singing and crying and laughing too.  Wasn't it a beautiful sight Ms. P.? 

For some of us it takes more of an effort to serve others seamlessly as my friend accomplished.  For some of us we could use a stint at doing much more of it so that we might take up less space taking, taking and taking. And some of us need to make a start somewhere, somehow in a way that "isn't all about us" but rather all about what kind of mark we leave on our journey.  You know what John F. Kennedy had to say about this so I won't batter you with the idea.  Make a start and don't do it and tell someone you did in order to gain attention.  Do it simply because doing it makes the planet a better place to be living for all of us. Let us all use the example of Ms. P. as our guide and try our best to make it stick.

Peace be with you my friend.  I shall miss your truth.

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