Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lara Croft And Penny Candy

People have been known to say where is Superman when we need him?  Okay, old people of my particular generation.  Those of us who came home from school and turned on the T.V. to watch George Reeves as Superman.  We all need heroes though for me, they are an eclectic group.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Harry Potter, Meryl Streep, Golda Meir and Madeleine Albright are just a few of mine.  I need to know that humans with ethics, fictional or real, exist in the world to uphold values of truth and justice because the world often needs their help getting that right.

I had some adventures today, looked for work and had coffee with a friend who has been unemployed for a year as well.  For each of us, an entire year has gone by without something to call our own. Each of us is bright, compassionate, present and real.  My friend is someone whom I deeply admire and cannot imagine the world passing her by on its way to chose another.  She sees me in the same light and it feels like the sun is shining on me in a special corner of the kitchen with the cat purring in my lap.  And yet we each remain unemployed.  Not unemployable.

I am old enough to remember penny candy though many of the people that I see working in the grocery stores where I have applied think that is a YouTube video.  I am also old enough to make a difference, serve others and remain constant like my friend.  However it appears we need our own kind of hero to make our point.  We need Lara Croft.

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