Monday, August 29, 2011

Not A Tim Burton Movie

I can't help it, I got kinda excited that there was a computer reply within the inbox.  Silly Girl.  I went to the website that was included therein and saw the job that I applied for and yes, my blood pressure eased up a bit, and yes, there is a tab to schedule an interview and yes, and yes and nothing. Nada. Zip. Pretty high tech and no there, there.  Keep checking until you see the whites of our eyes or not.  Made ya look!

That's right, some computer somewhere in Delaware probably, checked out my resume and sent the computerized reply with a link to a website where no interview is available to chose from or imagine.  Pretty slick.  Pretty sick. 

It seems like our advances in technology whether you are a friend checking her email at a potluck while others actually have conversations around you or a dead link from a job application, technology seems like a cruel joke on us as we float away towards the abyss staring at our phone devices while Rome burns. If I didn't know better I would say this is a diabolical scene from Mars Attacks and I am waiting for the Slim Whitman song at any moment to begin!

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