Monday, July 25, 2011

What goes around

A brief foray into the ocean this morning with other seekers created some relief from the doldrums of another week looking for work that has yet to arrive.  Will it? We cannot often know what is in store for us.  Actually, we only imagine it is in the hands of something larger than ourselves and when something random strikes us as premeditated by a power greater than ourselves, we think it is destined.  I am not so sure about that.

For me, I attempt to find the place of grace where loving kindness towards others becomes more natural.  The ocean, its' random seeming waves wide open to the sea this summer mirrors how life has come to seem to me.  Sometimes just arriving in the water after so many in our group have challenges real and self-created, can be a miracle in itself. We are a fractious group of body boarders.

Another friend who is within a few years of my age talks to me about the black hole into which are resumes descend.  Another application.  Another trail of nothing.  And so we bob in the water together and attempt to lose our blues.  The ocean brings a person right present and the energy of all that surf helps to cast our fates beyond the breakers. 

Onward towards the afternoon, I have looked through today's job prospects-we should call them something much more honest-and applied for one, sole job.  This is how the summer has transpired.  I refuse to let it break me and I shall continue to play in the surf when I can, knowing that what goes around will one day, come back around.

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