Friday, July 29, 2011

Robots living their robot lives

 The dogs and I journey out on our morning walk earlier than usual and it seems as if the world has not come out of its' night into Friday yet. A few silent joggers and the fog.  We are lucky I think.  Texas is drying up like a 100 year old raisin.  The news shows parched earth in the lone star state that appears to be a dust bowl in the making.  And so our county cools rapidly at night which is what they say makes all that wine possible.  Our monoculture cross to bear.

The three Greyhounds and I cross paths with a group of turkeys who pause down at the creek walk, spying us with their side wise turkey eyes, to see if we are predators to scuttle hurriedly from or just wait.  We slow down across the bridge and they begin to slowly do their Turkey Qigong walk away from us.  The creek trickles.  The fog rests above us.  And there is peace all around us except in my head.

We do our sniffing and bodily fluid deposits and walk on back home after 20 minutes.  It is enough for the dogs and they seem to find something new and delightful each morning.  In fact, they must have it or there will be holes dug in the back yard or some kind of upset in the house.  It is their ritual and they must have it in  order to feel that everything is right in their world.  Such Zen beings I think.

As we come home across the church parking lot and onto our street, our neighbor, Mr. Cardio Stint Engineer, is hurrying off to work at his important job.  He is married to Mrs. Vogue model who cannot descend to acknowledge us when we pass on the street.  Maybe our baseness is catching somehow.  She is always expertly attired in her many costumes of life and bounces along walking her dog off leash as if she were doing a photo shoot right there on our street.  Mrs. Vogue model indeed.   We pause there at the curb and wave to Mr. Engineer who does not wave back.  We are hard to miss.  Three large Greyhounds and a tiny, tiny woman in an orange ball cap. 

I come into the door of our simple house here at the corner, dogs piling in with me, and I think that Mr. Engineer and Mrs. Vogue model would probably prefer a neighborhood of robots instead of the working and lower middle class neighbors that they have.  After all, robots living robot lives in their robot houses and driving off in their robot cars would never interrupt them with silly pleasantries.  Robots don't require so much upkeep and so they make really, really good neighbors.  TGIF world, here come the humans and a few robot wannabes.

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