Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top Posts Of 2011

It is natural to look back at the year that is about to be a year in the life of a few.  Natural as sleeping, yearning, struggling, laughing, dreaming, deciding, working like a dog, eating, becoming angry then accepting and starting over.

I was unemployed and then employed and having a hard time with the tasks at hand.  My hands are having a hard time. My poor hands.

I  dreamt of working for Whole Foods then let that go as the 100th application was rejected.  I dreamt of working for a local grocer, Oliver's, then felt the same thing as they refused to consider me for other jobs than the graveyard position.  It is their company or rather, the HR woman who is the honcho is the decider. So, it continues to be out of reach.  Who knew that a grocery job was an impossible thing for such an enthusiastic fan?  Who knew.

I feel so fortunate to have spent time with two women friends in the last year who are amazing women.  We find time after my work to meet for coffee and talk and talk about our lives.  I am in such fine company and I thank you both for allowing me to feel seen and heard and let me in to see you.  Bless you.  You are each such fine humans.  Artists and friends.

I am thankful to have been able to volunteer quite a bit and I hope to get back there.  I am also thankful for my family and partner who try to understand my pain and my joy in the context of being more than a little PTSD from leaving my profession of many years and stepping off the curb into traffic.  Bless you all.

Top Posts would have been all of the writings that I attempt to publish here because in doing so, great writing or ranting, I allow the spirit that is me to have wings and pull against the fury that sometimes rails against my breastbone.  A writer's lament is always writing nonetheless. 

Happy New Year to everyone and my hope for you is peace, comfort, understanding and unexpected joy. My hope for myself is a better job that allows me to be me and thrive.  Come on 2012!

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