Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Now home with the laundry done and the dust bunnies scuttled away from beneath the couch, the Greyhounds and us fed and showered and tired from the drive home from Big Sur, it seems more like Big Blur. 

I remember yesterday sitting at the picnic table overlooking the ocean.  It feels difficult to describe the giant beauty of the rolling swells across a dark, blue water with such power.  As far as I could see there was ocean. I sat watching and feeling the heartsick feeling of holding a dream because I cannot help it. I felt enveloped by the great sorrow of it, the expanse of it, the sheer unimaginable nature of life itself and hope for the remainder of my days.  I feel humbled by such an afternoon.  I feel such passion to know more about myself and my journey.

Now that I am home and answering emails and turning towards the rest of my week, with the three rejection emails from WF and all that encompasses for me, I remember the depth, the color, the light, the angst, the joy and the power of the ocean as my talisman as I set out, somewhat daunted yet not vanquished.


  1. Wow! Thanks, once again, for sharing these posts with all of us! It's always enlightening to read your feelings, impressions and thoughts about things that we do together. I can see through your eyes for a few moments. So wonderfully expressed.

  2. Looooove (<-- first autocorrected to "lollipops" then to "loophole" ... REALLY wish computers would stop trying to tell me what to say) ...... looooooove your blog. It's too late for coherency and most of my cognitive power has been sucked out through my breast and now lies with a sleeping toddler-- but I just couldn't hold it in any longer, I had to say it, even if I can't be more eloquent than "looooove!!!!"--- multiple vowels and punctuation marks are all I've got at the moment.
