Monday, October 10, 2011

Remembering Working With Chris

I am struggling with my new job situation to find my own island of sanity.  I know some things about gardening or I would never have gotten this job.  However, someone forgot to tell my co-worker that I am not his slave.  So, still trying to figure out how to best tell him that in English.  It is a long day's journey from working nights with Chris in the mid 1990s when I was in college.

Remembering Chris, I was lucky perhaps to have made such a fine connection with a man who is very bright and very funny.  He liked me as much as I liked him and we both worked so well together.  In fact, we produced 25% of the work for the department.  That meant that eight other people did the remaining 75%.  They were a lovely bunch they were.

Chris and I used to pile in my car for dinner or his old Lincoln and go down to Subway for sandwiches.  He was fun and loving.  I really miss him.  We were like a couple of 14 year old boys making up life as we went along.  We worked nights fueled by "mead" which was Dr. Pepper out of the machine.  I can say that I loved Chris-hell I still do-and I know he feels the same.

We flew through that year and helped the company that later was going to lay off Chris and quite a few others one Friday.  Chris went onto other companies and a divorce and now lives in Independence, Missouri.  He is remarried and has other children.  He is still connected to me through the social media empire and made my Christmas last year by contacting me. I can say that my current co-worker doesn't hold any kind of candle to Chris.  That makes me miss him even more.

I can say that I am not a slave and any day now I will probably go off on my co-worker or just shine him on because he is a slacker with some knowledge.  It certainly is not the Star ship Enterprise at my new digs and there is no Jean Luc Piccard.  I could use a Klingon body guard right about now but I will have to settle for finding my own truth and direction when the time is right.

For me, there is no Number One but I can say with a clear conscience that if Jean Luc was on the bridge out there near Common C, he would be saying, "make it so!."

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