A strange summer is grinding its' way to September 1st as our days remain sunny with lots of stress and storm clouds summoned to the horizon. Life moves onward whether it feels like it or not and though I pay an expert to remind me of this, I need that.
A cold virus made its' way through the labyrinth of my usually excellent health and my day off came to a screeching halt with a sore throat and angry lymph nodes. Alas, one of my stellar co-workers shared their germs with me!
My partner has a week left before she is officially laid off from a job of 11 years that she once loved. People around her have bought the jargon of the evil empire and talk in tongues about the wonders of Pacific Retirement Services from Oregon. PRS is commencing a friendly takeover through their corporate moves though most residents and staff are all too glad to speak the praises fueled by faux pep talks from the suits of PRS. Very sad and very true.
One thing I have noticed, although my partner has watched me walk through two years of trying to find jobs, receiving rejections or no notifications at all for hundreds and hundreds of jobs for which I have applied, it is now personal to her. Today she filled out an application for a cannabis club admin job. Ah, how times have changed.
Life twists and turns and we all try to plan and finagle to put ourselves in a good light, maneuver our desires to help our families and our households, find a job with health care benefits-good luck!-or just find a job we can live with day to day. For most of us, losing a job means that life will become much, much harder. That story has come to rest with us whether our families pay attention or not or whether our friends stay in touch or not, whether there is life after the County of Sonoma and Friends House(now not so friendly) or not.
I feel so very fortunate to have worked for such wonderful people as David, Deanna and Denise of Prickett's nursery this summer. They gave me an opportunity to shine and help sustain my life. They, along with my extraordinary co-workers, have healed the wounds created by my last job at Friends House. Thank you Prickett's for believing in me, allowing me to learn and thrive in the sunshine with the chickens darting around my feet and for doing so with kindness, patience and love. You really do rule.
May life move forward for both of us here. We are struggling. May we find ways to heal and come to peace about the past and all the wretchedness of this year. May we stop finding the stone so big that we keep having to push up this hill of life. May we get to the summit soon.
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