Monday, December 31, 2012

A Magic Trick Awaits Us

I met a young woman today at our wee local art store who told me, as I was buying a few things for our New Year's Eve "vision map" collage project, that she had been unemployed for over a year and only recently came to work at the store.  She told me that she worked on an organic farm in Tomales for a season before, after a year, the art store called her.  She understands what we are going through in our house.

I ran around the lake, today with the addition of my gloves because it is so cold here this winter.  I ran because it makes me feel connected to the earth and to life.  I am running for my life you see.  It is the last day of a turbulent year and I am "honoring the end" with hopes for a dramatic appearance somewhere in 2013 that will include a good, well earned paycheck. 

We both have made our vision collages of the things we hope and wish for ourselves.  Something needs to change in a big way and like all years, there were good times and low times.  I am fortunate, unlike the man I met who parks on our street at night in his RV, to have a home.  Likewise, I have a partner who loves me and understands well what makes me tick.  I have a few people who know me and know that I care deeply about the earth, excellent writing, dogs, cookies, an honest day's work and truth.

May 2013 include all of the above and a road trip to The Grand Canyon and Monument Valley or Hawaii and not necessarily in that order.  Be well and be strong.

Happy New Year!