Sometimes fellow employees make unlikely friends. Sometimes people you work with are simply amazing and you consider yourself lucky, blessed even. Often we hope we are one of those people who make that kind of an impact and yet, we never believe that is so, or simply put, we make a mark with others and don't even realize it.
Such is the case of a man we call Sir Nathan. For a few of us, he is the reason we find a way to get through six months of working in a shame and blame factory. He is the reason we feel like we can walk away from an abusive boss and just breathe. He gives us a way to take the high road with shame and feel that we still have our power. He is our rudder, our full sails in a tempest storm, brethren, kin. We are very, very lucky to have crossed his path.
For me, I feel grateful to have left while I still have an ounce of self esteem. I got out when the getting was good. Three others preceded me in the last month. Who knows where this will lead and I can say, tonight, I am trying to shine a bright, bright light on the good times. I am making the effort because there was much said that I did not deserve to hear and felt my character and my work ethic were demeaned and sullied.
Who was that they were talking to? Certainly not someone who interviewed for another job before her work shift arriving at work still, 10 minutes early. Certainly not someone who had her references checked, a background check, a physical, a drug screening and several phones calls all on her own time, still showing up for work early. Certainly not.
I leave with tears for Sir Nathan whose company I shall no longer keep yet whose bright, sarcastic, fun, deep, literate and literal, existential, genuine, calm, kind and reassuring self made a lasting mark on my heart and my life. Thank you Sir Nathan for your help, your company, your brilliance, your support and your fine, fine wit. I shall miss you forever and a day. You rule.