That'll be me in about 20 years
with my translucent skin over sharp
cheek bones,
asking a retail clerk to get something for me that I cannot
my teeth hanging on by a thread of tissue,
my eyes will become distant as if I see the end of my life but
I am not there yet,
just this frail, petite wisp of a body that
doesn't walk well or quickly anymore.
That'll be me with my thinning hair and excellent manners which
tell the story of a much different generation where
texting was something strange about to take over a nation and
great Pie was the way we told others
about our joy for living.
That'll be me with my ache to be seen,
long gone now as others look past my diminishing body,
they fail to see themselves or even realize that
one day
they will be saying to themselves
That'll be me