What a strange week of endings and the endless midlands of job interviews and people with power. Choices come across our thresholds in life, sometimes cloaked by rain clouds and sometimes as clear as a frosty night in February. Neither has been true this week.
I made my decision to leave my chaotic job replete with vengeful overlord co-workers who cannot seem to prevent themselves from being just plain stupid. I tried. I four months of it tried. Triple digit heat, piles of weeds, branches, compost and mulch, rotting fruit and days of sweeping, raking, grabbing, pulling, hoisting and chucking just about everything related to the earth. I have sweated and been frozen in 26 degree frost. I have been drenched by rain by 9 AM and had wet and cold boots on all day. I have been tried, accused and harassed. And I am done.
I have had four interviews in the last ten days or so, all different except I was there. My calm has come to rest here with me, knowing all too often how people in power will chose someone else for some inane reason. They like their hair? I have learned not to get too excited about the prospects though one must be fueled by some kind of energy. A small hope.
My interview today took all of 12 minutes as I checked my watch walking out the front doors. I had mixed feelings about the tasks involved though admiring of the company. Things just seem way too hard and I attempt to see the message inside it. The answer still evades me. I walk ahead, I stop, I continue on in the light even if the full moon is cloaked by rain clouds. I'm still here.