Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ashley Judd Rules

Spinning my wheels on a rainy day after applying for jobs that fall into the black hole and trying to deal with my anger over the unspoken reality of how we look, when we look like we are young, who gets job offers because of how they look and why, oh why are women scrutinized for a sign of aging, Ashley Judd tells the media to take a hike.  Actually, she told them the truth though it won't change a damn thing that they do.

I love it that she used that word "misogynistic" because it explains so much in those few syllables.  Fear of death, vanity and the reality of the sun's rays on our faces, Ashley stood up for we women in a way that fame can in its' flaming voice.  True enough, Ashley has those sharp cheek bones that run in my family.  True enough, we women should all be so lucky to have a great face like Ashley. 

However, more than ever, I appreciate her conviction, her strength, her fury and her words in a world that takes one look and marks a box on a piece of paper on a clipboard at a group interview and decides where you will end up.  Not so much.

What makes a beautiful woman beautiful?  Maybe it is character as much as it is what we see.  Actually, the absence of character and plain old balls to the wall moxie are the kind of beauty that lasts a lifetime, long after youth has gone the way of the Dodo.   Puffy indeed.  You rule Ashley.  Thank you.
